Sun, Sep 08, 2024
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Zeiss Solution

ZEISS All-in-one solution

Cleaning of protein deposits and lipids - Disinfecting - Wetting - Storage for all soft contact lenses

Zeiss All-In-One  solution:

  • High compatibility, even for sensitive eyes
  • Gentle ingredients
  • Integrated protein remover
  • Contains no Chlorhexidin and no Thiomersal

Composition: Active Ingredient: ALL IN ONE ADVANCE is a buffered, isotonic solution as active ingredient Actipro®

Preservative: Polyhexanide 0,0001%

Content: 360 ml bottle, lenscase, leaflet


Contact Us

No.834, Between Khosh and Ghasroldasht St.,Azarbayejan Ave.,Tehran-Iran
Mail Us :
+98 21 668 94 649-50
+98 21 668 98 731


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