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Kera Soft 3 & IC

Fitting Keratococnus with Kerasoft®3 SiH Contact Lenses


KeraSoft 3 Contact lenses are specifically designed for keratoconus, i.e.,for corneas that are steeper centrally with regular peripheral regions.For other types of irregular cornea,including advanced or irregular keratoconus,the KeraSoft IC contact lens is recommended.


 Fitting Principle

when carrying out a fitting procedure for a Keratoconus patient with a Kresoft 3 lens,it is essential that the Kerasoft 3 Trial set is used due to the specific design characteristics involved,which are different to earlier versions.

The initial trial lens chosen is based on the practitioner's assessment of the stage of cone advancement.Keratometry readings may be of limited use if the cornea is distorted.Corneal topography may be useful in assessing the peripheral cornea thus indicating which trial lens to use initially.

 The Kerasoft 3 fitting system is straight forward and similar to conventional soft lens fitting techniques.The back curves are expressed in Series form (Series A,B,C,D) which correspond to the BCOR values expressed in the following table.

Approximate Keratometer Readings Guide

Diagnostic Lens Series Recommended

Cone Advancement

Steeper than 6.20



6.20 to 6.60



6.20 to 7.00



7.00 to 7.40



KeraSoft IC's revolutionary patented soft lens design provides comfort and visual acuity for patients

with irregular corneal conditions, including keratoconus and conditions due to post-graft and

post-refractive surgery.


Contact Us

No.834, Between Khosh and Ghasroldasht St.,Azarbayejan Ave.,Tehran-Iran
Mail Us :
+98 21 668 94 649-50
+98 21 668 98 731


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